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The moon & other celestial bodies

Legal issues pertaining to space agriculture
2022-2024, Lincoln, United States
University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Ag4Space and the law: initial considerations
Analysis of Legal Parameters applicable to Claims to Land on Mars
2020, London, United Kingdom
Martian Project, London


The Infinite Frontier: Space Colonization and the Law

Further reading

Surreal Estate: Addressing the Issue of ‘Immovable Property Rights on the Moon’


The Race to Space
Keynote on Space Colonization and the Law
2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
SPUI25 in Spe/University of Amsterdam


The Infinite Frontier: Space Colonization and the Law
SPUI25 in Spe
Review Research Paper on proprietary communities in space
2018, Fairfax, United States of America
Mercatus Center, George Mason University


Who Owns The Moon? Space Law and the Billion Dollar Question

Further reading

Surreal Estate: Addressing the Issue of ‘Immovable Property Rights on the Moon’
Study on the Moon Agreement and Commercial Activities
1998, London, United Kingdom
International Law Association (ILA)


Final Report on the Review of Space Law Treaties in View of Commercial Space Activities

Further reading

The Dark Side Of The Moon – The Status of the Moon: Public Concepts and Private Enterprise

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